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Jenway Series 7 Diluter 037001
This diluter system is able to dilute.serum samples 200:1 or 100:1 efficiently and ac..
Jenway Plastic Disposable Cuvette 060084
Plastic disposable cuvette for 3 ml volume, 10 x 10 mm (pack of 100); for use with Je..
Jenway Water Heated Cuvette Holder 736201
Water heated single cell holder controls sample temperature, with aid of a circulating water ba..
Jenway Small Water Separator 500176
Water separator removes any residual water from compressed air supply and size requir..
Jenway Internal Impact Printer 660101
Integrated printer can easily fit into the top of spectrophotometer to save bench space, a..
Jenway Peltier 735301
Peltier is used for temperature controlled applications; for use with Jenway 73 series&nbs..
Jenway Water Heated Automatic 6 Position Cuvette Holder 660501
Automated 6 position cuvette holder for standard 10 x 10 mm cuvettes with controlled ..
Jenway Variable Path Length Cuvette Holder 630005
Adjustable cuvette holder to fit between 10 and 100 mm variable path length cuvettes; for ..
Jenway Sipper Pump 660201
Programmable sipper pump circulates samples to deliver reproducible sample volumes, and a ..
Jenway Plastic Disposable Cuvette 060087
Plastic disposable cuvette for 1.5 ml volume, 10 x 10 mm (pack of 100); for use with ..
Jenway Air Compressor 535001
Air compressor and gas regulator are required to run with Jenway flame photometer ..
Jenway Sipper Pump 632001
Programmable peristaltic sipper pump is used to inject repeatable adjustable or stand..
Jenway RS232 to USB Convertor 037551
Custom RS232 to USB convertor for connection to PCs without serial ports; for use with Jenway s..
Jenway Peltier 660301
Peltier is used for temperature controlled applications - supplied with sample chamber; for use with..
Jenway Automatic 8 Position Cuvette Holder 735401
Automated 8 position cuvette holder for standard 10 x 10 mm cuvettes; for use with Je..
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